The WVU Rockefeller Neuroscience Institute uses the latest technologies, an ecosystem of partners, and an integrated approach to make meaningful progress in the advancement of brain health. Its published works detailing breakthroughs in the treatment of Alzheimer’s disease and addiction caught the attention of producers of the iconic CBS News program, 60 Minutes.

RNI executive chair Ali Rezai, MD, and his team gave the 60 Minutes producers and camera crews a front row seat as they explore new frontiers in the treatment of brain diseases and disorders.

For more information, please call 833-941-4523.



At the current time, our clinical trials are recruiting and enrolling patients who are already receiving care in our specialty outpatient clinics at WVU Medicine. Please click below to connect with our team to request an appointment or express interest in our clinical trials.


You can help the WVU Rockefeller Neuroscience Institute continue breaking barriers in research and patient care with a gift today. Your donation supports education, patient care, and first-in-the-world research.


Reporters and producers interested in interviewing any of our experts and specialists can contact our media relations team by clicking below. A member of our communcations team will respond to your request as quickly as possible.